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 sTRONG & fIt by Dina

The Story

Initially I began my fitness journey at the age of 21, teaching water gymnastics and being actively involved in dance.

However, it wasn’t until I turned 30, when I began looking into my nutrition and training more seriously.


Prior to this, I led a lifestyle of poor choices when it comes to nutrition that affected my health and self-esteem.

On top of this, I didn’t really know how to exercise correctly, and what “training” really means.


All of this resulted in me gaining weight, feeling fatigue and becoming unhappy with myself and the direction in which my life went.


​One day, however, I said: "enough is enough", and began my quest on getting back in shape and find the love and energy for training and exercising, but above all:

feeling fit and healthy.


After some years of educating myself on healthy nutrition and training, I now use this knowledge to help others avoid dieting difficulties I once had and motivate and coach them to reach their personal health and fitness/strength goals.

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